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Emily Schrader has over a decade of experience as a digital marketing expert. Previously working as the brain behind the StandWithUs social media, Emily's experience in the field of PR and branding for non-profits is unmatched. She single handedly put StandWithUs on the map as a leader in the field on social media, and built a team from scratch that created content in 18 languages, reached over 105 million people in one week alone, and ran repeated global campaigns. From 0 followers on Instagram, to 100,000, her work has been viewed by millions and inspired a new era of social media advocacy. 


Emily has advised and created strategies for numerous organizations, start-ups, individuals, and governments on how to achieve their potential through social media. Through her work, she has had the opportunity to train high school students, college students, units of the Israeli army, and other leaders in social media on the importance and value of social media in the digital age. Emily has also advised the Israeli parliament (Knesset) on the dangers of anti-semitism and terrorist activity on social media at the height of the 2016 "Stabbing Intifada" when social media activity spurred hundreds of terrorist attacks against Israeli citizens. During Operation Pillar of Defense in 2012, Emily was one of the leaders responsible for retaking the narrative of the operation on social media in the conflict between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Emily worked alongside other organizations and the Israeli government to organize a volunteer task-force which created the Israel Under Fire social media campaign that reached millions.
















In 2014, Emily spearheaded the efforts on social media educating the public about what's going on in Operation Protective Edge. She worked alongside the Israel Defense Forces, Israel Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Prime Minister's Office to create real-time accurate content through engaging graphics and videos to tell Israel's story. Emily created a social media passport campaign which garnered support from individuals from over 140 countries against terrorist organization Hamas and was widely covered in the press.


Emily also spearheaded efforts for Israel education in Arabic creating a digital presence in Arabic that reaches up to 1 million Arabic speakers in the Middle East weekly. Her work at StandWithUs was nominated for the 2017 Classy Awards most innovative programs for social good. Emily is also a freelance writer whose work has been featured in numerous publications such as The Weekly Standard, The Jerusalem Post, the UT San Diego and more. Emily holds a Masters Degree in Political Communications from Tel Aviv University, and currently resides in Tel Aviv. â€‹â€‹â€‹


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